Anglian Water - Lincolnshire Reservoir

Land and property owners

We understand that our work could have a significant effect on landowners, homeowners, and others with an interest in land affected by our proposals.

We are already in contact with land and property owners affected by our proposals. If you have a land interest that you think is within the indicative project boundary and have not yet been contacted, please get in touch with Fisher German who are managing all lands contact for the project.


We recognise that, in some instances, homeowners affected by our plans for the reservoir may need to sell their property, but that the timeline of our proposals raises questions.

We are committed to supporting those affected by our proposals as the project develops. One of the ways we plan to do this is through a Residential Property Support Scheme, which could offer support to homeowners, who would like to sell their properties before the project has consent and acquisition of property commences.

While Anglian Water are not required to do this, we think it is an important step in providing support for people most affected by our plans.

Our Residential Property Support Scheme is now open for applications – to find out more about it and to see if you’re eligible, please read our fact sheet and see our map of the residential property support scheme boundary here.

For enquiries about land interests, please contact:


Phone: 03450 133156

Man talking on telephone

Get in touch

Contact the project team today.

Freephone: 0800 915 2491


Post: Freepost Lincolnshire Reservoir

Useful documents

You can view and download our project documents here


A guide to our proposals and phase two consultation brochure


Phase two consultation - associated water infrastructure proposals


Phase two consultation - main site design brochure

View full document library
Lady with children playing hook a duck

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