Planning water resources
In 2020, the National Framework for Water Resources transformed the way we plan future water supplies in England.

This requires water companies and other large water users to collaborate across boundaries and develop plans that consider water needs at a regional level. This joined-up approach makes sure that regional plans fit together to provide a national solution.
There are five regional water resource groups. In our region, the Water Resources East (WRE) Regional Plan sets out more detail about the water supplies for the region, including the needs of the environment.
Water companies develop a Water Resources Management Plan (WRMP) setting out their plans and investments, such as: improving efficiency; addressing leakage; restoring the environment; and building new water resources.
Anglian Water’s latest draft WRMP sets out how we will ensure a sustainable and secure supply of clean drinking water for our customers from 2025 to 2050.
We’re already taking action. Anglian Water is constructing a strategic pipeline in the region that will help us manage demand and supply. We’re also cutting down on leakage and working with our customers to use water more efficiently.
However, we still require new water supplies to provide for the future. To meet this need, we've evaluated many options including desalination, water recycling, aquifer storage, and water recovery.
Our latest plan identifies the new reservoir in Lincolnshire as a crucial investment needed to meet the growing demands on water supplies in the East of England.
Reservoirs provide a level of resilience, volume of water, and environmental opportunities that other resource options do not provide.
Find out more
Following consultation (a separate process from the consultation on our reservoir proposals), our latest WRMP has been approved by the government and published.
Read Anglian Water’s WRMP here.

Get in touch
Contact the project team today.
Freephone: 0800 915 2491
Post: Freepost Lincolnshire Reservoir
Useful documents
You can view and download our project documents here
A guide to our proposals and phase two consultation brochure
DownloadPhase two consultation - associated water infrastructure proposals
DownloadPhase two consultation - main site design brochure
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